This course, in any of the NCLBGC approved formats (live instruction, synchronous distance-learning instruction, or eLearning) is mandatory for 2026 License Renewal. Please Note: CE credits are uploaded to the Board on Mondays. Courses completed in the system between Monday and Sunday midnight will be posted to the Board on the following Monday. For product support, please email ncgctraining@trainingfolks.com North Carolina General Statute 87-10.2, requires that qualifiers for Building and Residential classifications of North Carolina General Contractor licenses and those designated as Unclassified licenses are required to annually complete 8 hours of Continuing Education (CE) as a condition for license renewal. Accordingly, the North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors (NCLBGC) has embarked upon developing and delivering this two (2) hour mandatory CE course. This mandatory course explains the statutes and regulations for which qualifiers and licensees must comply with. Students will review current law, regulations, rules and statutory terminology used by the NCLBGC. Students will also participate in a practical exercise in the application of knowledge they learned and understood during the course. PLEASE READ: You will have 30 days from the date of enrollment to complete this eLearning course. If you are unable to complete the course within 30 days, you will need to retake the entire course. Please contact product support if you have allowed your course to expire. The following system specifications are suggested for the best learning experience. Platform: IBM PC Compatible or Apple Mac computer Operating System: Windows 10 or current Apple IOS Browser: Edge, Chrome, Safari Hardware: Speakers, Mouse, and Keyboard It is also recommended that you complete the course in its entirety once started. In the event you need to leave the course, select "SAVE and EXIT" in the upper right corner of your browser and log out. Launching (starting or resuming) the course in multiple windows at the same time will prevent the system from tracking progress properly. This could require you to repeat the course in order to successfully complete the course. Read more

This course, in any of the NCLBGC approved formats (live instruction, synchronous distance-learning instruction, or eLearning) is mandatory for 2025 License Renewal. Please Note: CE credits are uploaded to the Board on Mondays. Courses completed in the system between Monday and Sunday midnight will be posted to the Board on the following Monday. For product support, please email ncgctraining@trainingfolks.com North Carolina General Statute 87-10.2, requires that qualifiers for Building and Residential classifications of North Carolina General Contractor licenses and those designated as Unclassified licenses are required to annually complete 8 hours of Continuing Education (CE) as a condition for license renewal. Accordingly, the North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors (NCLBGC) has embarked upon developing and delivering this two (2) hour mandatory CE course. This mandatory course explains the statutes and regulations for which qualifiers and licensees must comply with. Students will review current law, regulations, rules and statutory terminology used by the NCLBGC. Students will also participate in a practical exercise in the application of knowledge they learned and understood during the course. PLEASE READ: You will have 30 days from the date of enrollment to complete this eLearning course. If you are unable to complete the course within 30 days, you will need to retake the entire course. Please contact product support if you have allowed your course to expire. The following system specifications are suggested for the best learning experience. Platform: IBM PC Compatible or Apple Mac computer Operating System: Windows 10 or current Apple IOS Browser: Edge, Chrome, Safari Hardware: Speakers, Mouse, and Keyboard It is also recommended that you complete the course in its entirety once started. In the event you need to leave the course, select "SAVE and EXIT" in the upper right corner of your browser and log out. Launching (starting or resuming) the course in multiple windows at the same time will prevent the system from tracking progress properly. This could require you to repeat the course in order to successfully complete the course. Read more
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